Activate module components for project

Activate module components for project

Add the EmailMarketing project components to activate the Universal Messenger connection for your project.

In the ServerManager open the project properties, to to project components and add the component “EmailMarketing configuration”.

After it has been successfully installed select the component and configure.

Note that some values are optional (and some are needed for legacy integrations). The following fields are mandatory:

  • URL to Universal Messenger
    Use the URL as described before.

  • Connect through UM REST proxy
    Cloud based and on premise UM installations use a slightly different URL schema to access the API. The URL for cloud based installations usually end in /p/ while on premise installations end in /cmsbs/. Check this box if you use a cloud based installation.

  • Universal Messenger open password
    Use the password mentioned before

  • Show form selector
    Check this box if you want to display the ContentCreator report to select all forms configured in Universal Messenger


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