User Menu: Configuration of personal links

User Menu: Configuration of personal links

The UM menu can be divided into two areas:

  1. Plugin menu area: the respective plugin including all underlying pages

  2. User menu: contains the name of the logged-in user and the logout button by default

Additional menu items can be added to the user menu inside the respective plugin.

These menu items should contain user-specific pages, as is the case with these two pages in the Service Desk, for example:

  1. Manage notifications

  2. Display of tickets that are being monitored by the logged-in user

Add new menu item

The menu items of the plugins and the items of the user menu are set equally in the LoginCallback.es6 of the respective plugin. The menu is then added to the session object by the UM, which is then passed to the menu of our Pinuts React Library um-components for display.

When creating a menu entry, the entry is added according to the following pattern:


guiUser.menuBar.append({ parent: 'UserMenu', id: `UserMenu_ServiceDesk2_userSettings`, title: { de: 'ServiceDesk: Benutzereinstellungen', en: 'ServiceDesk: User Settings', }, icon: 'icon-list', adminController: `de.pinuts.servicedesk.app/index#/userSettings}`, })

To assign the menu item to the user menu, the parent must have the id "UserMenu".

The title is split in the React user menu after the colon. In this case, "ServiceDesk" will appear as a smaller label above "User settings".


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