Packaging and deploying

Packaging and deploying

The UM Kickstarter contains a gradle task to package your project into ZIP files – one for each destination environment.

Simply run

gradle dist -Penv=prod

to create a ZIP file under build/ containing your CSE code and config files for the prod environment.

The following directories are automatically put into this ZIP file:

  • cmsbs-conf/cse/plugins/

  • cmsbs/WEB-INF/lib/

  • env/${ENV}/

Files or directories not to be included can be listet in .distignore.


To deploy your package to an existing UM installation, stop the running UM and unzip the according ZIP file underneath the server home; e.g.:

cd /opt/UM unzip -o ~/project/build/MyProject-prod.zip

Restart UM.

Please note, that unzip will overwrite existing files (option -o) but will never delete or rename files that where deletes from or renamed in your project.

Thus, remember which files need to be deleted manually after unzipping or routinely delete the relevant directories:

rm -rf cmsbs-conf/conf.d/* cmsbs-conf/cse/plugins/*

(Of course, the latter is only useful if you are sure that all files that should be in these directories are also included in the ZIP file.)

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