Install Kickstarter

Install Kickstarter

This section describes how to install UM Kickstarter on Linux, MacOS or Windows with WSL2. Kickstarter on Windows (native) covers Windows environments without WSL2.

Install JDK and gradle

You will need a laptop or desktop with Linux, MacOS or Windows with Windows subsystem for Linux) with at least the following software installed:

  • Oracle JDK or OpenJDK 11 or 17

  • gradle >= 7.3 and groovy 2, 3 or 4 which can be installed using SDKMAN

  • git command line tools

  • Visual Studio Code or any other programming editor / IDE of your choice; however, we recommend using VSCode

Of course, a windows machine with a Linux VM on top will do as well.

Install Pinuts Dev Tools / Scripts

Clone the following git repository:

git clone https://gitext.pinuts.de/um-public/devtools.git ~/.pinuts-devtools

... and include the ~/.pinuts-devtools/bin/ directory in your $PATH variable. There is a helper script to do just that in case you are using bash:

(cd ~/.pinuts-devtools && make bash)

Access to Pinuts maven repository

After having received your credentials for the Pinuts maven repository you should set some environment variables; e.g. in your ~/.bashrc file:

export PINUTS_MAVENREPO_USERNAME=<access-key-id> export PINUTS_MAVENREPO_PASSWORD=<secret-value>


The freshly installed shell script ~/.pinuts-devtools/bin/umkickstarter creates a new directory (default: ./umkickstarter) and prepares the directory and file structure needed to start developing a new UM project:

umkickstarter my-um-app

Optionally you can pass the package name of an UM plugin that should be scaffolded as well:

umkickstarter my-um-app --name acme.myumapp


After having received your development UM license, copy the file to env/devel/cmsbs-conf/cmsbs.license.

Next steps…

Read more about the Kickstarter: Kickstarter.md

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