Install Kickstarter

This section describes how to install UM Kickstarter on Linux, MacOS or Windows with WSL2. covers Windows environments without WSL2.

Install JDK and gradle

You will need a laptop or desktop with Linux, MacOS or Windows with Windows subsystem for Linux) with at least the following software installed:

  • Oracle JDK or OpenJDK 11 or 17

  • gradle >= 7.3 and groovy 2, 3 or 4 which can be installed using SDKMAN

  • git command line tools

  • Visual Studio Code or any other programming editor / IDE of your choice; however, we recommend using VSCode

Of course, a windows machine with a Linux VM on top will do as well.

Install Pinuts Dev Tools / Scripts

Clone the following git repository:

git clone ~/.pinuts-devtools

... and include the ~/.pinuts-devtools/bin/ directory in your $PATH variable. There is a helper script to do just that in case you are using bash:

(cd ~/.pinuts-devtools && make bash)

Access to Pinuts maven repository

After having received your credentials for the Pinuts maven repository you should set some environment variables; e.g. in your ~/.bashrc file:

export PINUTS_MAVENREPO_USERNAME=<access-key-id> export PINUTS_MAVENREPO_PASSWORD=<secret-value>


The freshly installed shell script ~/.pinuts-devtools/bin/umkickstarter creates a new directory (default: ./umkickstarter) and prepares the directory and file structure needed to start developing a new UM project:

Optionally you can pass the package name of an UM plugin that should be scaffolded as well:


After having received your development UM license, copy the file to env/devel/cmsbs-conf/cmsbs.license.

Next steps…

Read more about the Kickstarter: