Kickstarter on Windows (native)

Kickstarter on Windows (native)

Install git, JDK, gradle and groovy


Download and run 64-bit Git for Windows Setup: https://git-scm.com/download/win


Download and run microsoft-jdk-17.x.y.z-windows-x64.msi: Download the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK


Create an empty directory C:\Gradle and download und extract the ZIP file from Gradle | Thank you for downloading Gradle! into this directory.


Create an empty directory C:\Groovy and download and extract the ZIP file from The Apache Groovy programming language - Download into this directory.

Install Pinuts Dev Tools / Scripts

Clone the following git repository using PowerShell:

C: cd \ git clone https://gitext.pinuts.de/um-public/devtools.git UM-Dev-Tools

Set global environment variables

Open the Windows (File) Explorer, right-click on This PC and select Properties.

Chose Advanced system settings from the right side bar and open Environment Variables.

Double click the Path environment variable under System variables and add the following three paths:

  • C:\Gradle\gradle-7.5.1\bin

  • C:\Groovy\groovy-4.0.4\bin

  • C:\UM-Dev-Tools\bin

(Be sure to actually specify the correct paths including the matching version numbers.)

Access to Pinuts maven repository

After having received your credentials for the Pinuts maven repository, add them as User variables:

  • PINUTS_MAVENREPO_USERNAME: <access-key-id>


Visual Studio Code

This step is optional but strongly recommended:

Download and install Visual Studio Code from https://code.visualstudio.com/download


Reboot once to activate the newly set environment variables.


The freshly installed PowerShell script C:\UM-Dev-Tools\bin\umkickstarter.ps1 creates a new directory (default: .\umkickstarter) and prepares the directory and file structure needed to start developing a new UM project. Open PowerShell and try:

umkickstarter my-um-app

Optionally you can pass the package name of an UM plugin that should be scaffolded as well:

umkickstarter my-um-app --name acme.myumapp

If you need to use an HTTP proxy…

The easiest way to make Gradle use your HTTP proxy is by setting certain systemProps in a file named $HOME\.gradle\gradle.properties:

systemProp.https.proxyHost=proxyhost systemProp.https.proxyHost=3128 systemProp.https.proxyUser=user systemProp.https.proxyPassword=pass SystemProp.https.nonProxyHosts=host1.com|host2.com


After having received your development UM license, copy the file to env/devel/cmsbs-conf/cmsbs.license.

Next steps…

Read more about the Kickstarter: Kickstarter.md


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