Before you start

Before you start

This tutorial assumes that you are using a cloud based Universal Messenger installation with a working SMTP configuration but is works just as well if your Universal Messenger is running on premise.

Credentials for Universal Messenger API access

With a Universal Messenger cloud installation you will be given the following access parameters by us:

You will need the same information for on premise installations, those two parameters are set during the installation.

Install module EmailMarketing in FirstSpirit CMS

The FSM module file has to be installed on your FirstSpirit server (via ServerManager). You can obtain the file from the Universal Messenger download server: https://www.universal-messenger.de/knowledge-base/intern/02_downloads/FS/index.html

This integration requires at least module version 6.9.5.

Download example integration

This quick start tutorial is based on an example integration which can be downloaded as a ContentTransport feature from the Universal Messenger download page: https://www.universal-messenger.de/knowledge-base/intern/02_downloads/FS/feature_EmailMarketingExample.zip

Create a preview list in Universal Messenger

Create at least one list in the Universal Messenger and add people to that list who will receive a preview for each newsletter before it will be sent to the actual recipients. This list will be selected when configuring your project settings in FirstSpirit.

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