Captcha EU Field
CAPTCHAs are commonly used on websites and online forms to prevent automated bots from abusing or spamming the system.
Captcha EU is a product designed to assist website owners in protecting their forms, login screens, and other user-interaction points against bots. This product uses non-intrusive JavaScript SDKs, without requiring any user-interrupting puzzling process.
More info about Captcha EU can be found on their official website and their API Docs:
If you haven't already done it, install and setup your project. You can use the umkickstarter.
Continue with creating a new Contact Form instance.
Setting up Captcha EU
To setup your Captcha EU Account please follow those steps please sign up with your email:
You will be asked to choose a plan: ‘Starter’, ‘Growth’ or 'Advanced'.
After you have set up the account you need to generate two keys:
You can do so on Dashboard → Domains.
Setting up Contact Form Instance
Public Key & Rest Key
Fill in the Public Key and Rest Key that you created on your Captcha EU account.
Both keys can be configured in a properties file as well like this:
cmsbs.captchaEU.publicKey = "ADD_PUBLICKEY_HERE"
cmsbs.captchaEU.restKey = "ADD_RESTKEY_HERE"
If you wish to do so the two inputs for Public Key & Rest Key will be prefilled with those values.
Additional CSS classes
If you wish to add specific CSS classes to your Captcha EU Field to customize the appearance of it, then you can add those classes here. Those classes will be added to the div-Element containing the Captcha EU.
JavaScript Snippet
The JavaScript Snippet generated in the App instance has to be copied and added to the webpage where the form should be rendered.
Validation Process
When the validation process starts automatically after the user loads the webpage where the form is implemented. Captcha EU will display a Progress Spinner on the bottom right edge of the webpage.
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Proxy Settings
Since UM version 7.51.2, it is possible to use Captchas through a proxy. The configuration for this needs to be added to a file with the extension .properties in the /cmsbs-conf/conf.d
You have the option to define either a global proxy:
cmsbs.proxy = http://username:password@host:port/
# cmsbs.ssl.checks = <none|relaxed|secure>
This setting would apply to various aspects such as downloads/includes in HTML newsletters.
Alternatively, you can specify a proxy specifically for Captchas:
cmsbs.captcha.proxy = http://proxyhost:3128
# cmsbs.captcha.ssl.checks = none