Contact Form Installation
This tutorial explains how to install the Contact Form App into a newly installed UM >= 7.51.1.
Install Contact Form App
You can either
A) download App package from the download page and install it manually
B) or – if you are a developer – use UM Kickstarter
Either way you’ll need a license that covers de.pinuts.contactform
to successfully install and use the Login App. Please contact when in doubt.
A) Install manually
If you need to install into an already existing UM you probably need to perform a manual installation as described in this section.
Go to and download the Contact Form App package (ZIP file).
Unzip the file right into your UM folder (where subfolders like cmsbs-conf/
and cmsbs-work/
cd UM
Restart your UM instance.
B) Install using UM Kickstarter
Start a new Kickstarter project
If not done jet, install the Kickstarter project.
Create a new UM project and navigate into it via:
umkickstarter um cd um
Add Contact Form as dependensy
Edit build.gradle
to add ContactForm:
dependencies {
// ...
Create configuration files
Create a new file cmsbs-conf/conf.d/cf.attributes
# Pinuts File Encoding: UTF-8
include: cmsbs-conf/cse/plugins/de.pinuts.cmsbs.contactform2/contact.attributes
Configure and install REST Proxy
Follow to install and configure your REST-Proxy.
Add the following endpoints to your REST-Proxy’s controller whitelist: