Contact Form Installation

Contact Form Installation

This tutorial explains how to install the Contact Form App into a newly installed UM >= 7.51.1.

Install Contact Form App

You can either

  • A) download App package from the download page and install it manually

  • B) or – if you are a developer – use UM Kickstarter

Either way you’ll need a license that covers de.pinuts.contactform to successfully install and use the Login App. Please contact support@pinuts.de when in doubt.


A) Install manually

If you need to install into an already existing UM you probably need to perform a manual installation as described in this section.

Go to https://www.universal-messenger.de/knowledge-base/downloads and download the Contact Form App package (ZIP file).

Unzip the file right into your UM folder (where subfolders like cmsbs-conf/ and cmsbs-work/ live):

cd UM unzip $DOWNLOAD_DIR/ContactForm2-x.y.z.zip

Restart your UM instance.


B) Install using UM Kickstarter

Start a new Kickstarter project
  1. If not done jet, install the Kickstarter project.

  2. Create a new UM project and navigate into it via:

    umkickstarter um cd um
Add Contact Form as dependensy

Edit build.gradle to add ContactForm:

dependencies { // ... runtime('de.pinuts.cmsbs:ContactForm2:4.2.7') }

Create configuration files

Create a new file cmsbs-conf/conf.d/cf.attributes:

# Pinuts File Encoding: UTF-8 include: cmsbs-conf/cse/plugins/de.pinuts.cmsbs.contactform2/contact.attributes


Configure and install REST Proxy

Follow https://downloads.universal-messenger.de/knowledge-base/documentation/universal-messenger/html/UM_EN/Administration/REST-proxy.html to install and configure your REST-Proxy.

Add the following endpoints to your REST-Proxy’s controller whitelist:

  • de.pinuts.cmsbs.lib.widget.Pi

  • de.pinuts.cmsbs.contactform2.Widget

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