

The Universal Messenger has been optimized for use with content management systems (CMS). If your company already uses a CMS, you may use its familiar environment to create the content of your newsletter.

This integration not only lets you reuse content across a variety of media, it also guarantees that defined editorial processes are observed. CMS assists editors in creating layouts and enforcing defined quality assurance workflows.

You can also send newsletters directly from the Universal Messenger by selecting the “Newsletter – Send Newsletter” menu item if you do not have a CMS or the system is not yet integrated.

Sending newsletters

In most cases, a newsletter is sent from the Content Management System, alternatively you can send a newsletter directly from the Universal Messenger, by selecting the menu item "Newsletter - Send Newsletter".

Producing and sending a newsletter is a multiple-step process: select the media and lists, enter the content, preview the results, and finally, send the newsletter. Use the “Next” and “Back” buttons to advance from one step to another, or to back up and correct your previous work.



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