

Configuration files reside in cmsbs-conf/ directory:

  • cmsbs-conf/cmsbs.properties

  • cmsbs-conf/additional.attributes

  • cmsbs-conf/cmsbs.license

  • cmsbs-conf/cmsbs.sender.csv

  • cmsbs-conf/cmsbs.replyto.csv

Additionally, files can be put into cmsbs-conf/conf.d:

  • *.properties: Contribute to cmsbs.properties

  • *.attributes: Contribute to additional.attributes

  • *.xml: Config export (=seed) for Segments, Lists, Jobs, Mailing templates, Plugin instances

  • *.js: JavaScript files (configuration files in JavaScript format)

  • guiLogin.js: Defines which login modes for backoffice login should be available

UM Kickstarter

The Kickstarter contains logic to symlink and override config files for different (runtime) environments. E.g.

env/devel/cmsbs-conf/conf.d/my.properties will be symlinked to UM/cmsbs-conf/conf.d/my.properties when starting the local development system.