Quickstart: REST endpoints
Goal: Implement a simple REST-Service and expose it via REST Proxy.
You can download the whole Kickstarter-based sample application from our GitLab repository: um-public/tutorial-functional-rest-endpoints
Start a new Kickstarter project
First, choose a Java-style package name for your new plugin – e.g. de.acme.tutorial
. (See also ACME Corporation)
Please note that com...
, net...
and org...
denote reserved namespaces and can not be used as top-level package names.
Second, use UM-Kickstarter to begin a new UM project:
umkickstarter -n de.acme.tutorial
cd umkickstarter
gradle setup run
Implement REST controller
Create an .es6
or .mjs
file in your plugin’s rest/
/// <reference path="../../../.vscode.js"/>
import { RouterBuilder } from "@de.pinuts.apirouter/shared/routing.es6";
de.acme.tutorialController = new RouterBuilder()
.get('/hello', (req, res) => {
msg: 'Hello world!',
params: req.params,
headers: req.headers,
Restart your UM instance:
gradle run
Invoke REST service
Try to invoke the new REST service in your browser:
URL mapping
Please note, that de.acme.tutorialController
corresponds to the name of your plugin as defined in plugin.desc.json
plus the special Controller
suffix that tells the backend that this should be exposed as a REST controller.
Setup REST Proxy and expose new endpoint
Create a file named rest-proxy/cmsbs-restproxy.properties
that configures the REST Proxy:
cmsbs.restproxy.limit.controller.whitelist.tut1 = "de.acme.tutorial"
Insert the following cp lines to your build.gradle
setup.doLast {
// UM REST Proxy
cp('UM/web-integration/cmsbs-restproxy.war', new File(pinuts.um.webappsDir, 'p.war'))
cp('rest-proxy/cmsbs-restproxy.properties', new File(pinuts.um.serverHome, 'cmsbs-restproxy.properties'))
Setup and run your UM instance:
gradle setup run
Your new REST endpoint should now be publicly available via REST proxy:
Next steps
You can now progress to implement more useful endpoints. See also: Functional REST endpoints