Step 3: Dynamic permissions

Step 3: Dynamic permissions

In our example app we want a more fine-grained permission management:

  • access to Lists and Segments should be given based on tags on those objects and

  • access to Entries should also be limited more dynamically base on some property matching between Entry and backend user.

We will implement a postLogin callback that will dynamically modify a GuiUser right after login.

postLogin callback


ApplicationCallback.registerCallback('postLogin', guiUser => { const country = guiUser.entry.get('country'); if (guiUser.adminRole == 'employee') { guiUser.channelLangTags = country; guiUser.newsletterTags = country; guiUser.userQuery = `entrytype == "shipping_company" or entrytype == "employee" or (entrytype == "customer" and country=${Query.value_quote(country)})`; guiUser.setAttributeDefaultValue("customer", "country", country); guiUser.setAttributeDefaultValue("shipping_company", "country", country); } })

This postLogin callback realizes the following modifications to a backend user’s permissions:

  • Hide all Lists (aka Channels) that are not tagged with the user’s country,

  • tag all Newsletters the users sends with his country and hide all Newsletters from the Newsletter Archive that are not tagged with his country,

  • limit the visibility of Entries to those that satisfy the following userQuery:

    • Entry Type is shipping_company or employee or customer with the same country value.

The callback also sets two default values:

  • customers the backend user creates, will have the backend user’s country

  • shipping_companys the backend user creates, will also have the backend user’s country by default.

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