Universal Messenger 7.49.0 (EN)

Universal Messenger 7.49.0 (EN)

Release 7.49.0 Build 1840 was released in September 2022. This release includes:

  • Smart Editor

  • Enforcing strong passwords

  • IMAP / OAuth2 (for Exchange 365 and others)

  • Functional improvements and bug fixes

  • REST Proxy 3.0.6

  • Incoming Mail Archive: Path of configuration files changed

  • Update of various components

Smart Editor

The Smart Editor is now open to be used on all UM installations regardless of the respective license file.

Enforcing strong passwords

Since release 7.49.0, minimum requirements for the password quality can be specified, which are enforced each time a new password is set.

The numeric attribute setting password.minimumEntropy specifies how random or difficult to guess the password must be. Higher values stand for "better" passwords.

If a value greater than 0 is specified for password.minimumEntropy, a newly entered password is checked against a list of particularly frequently used passwords, among other things. It is also checked for easily guessable repetitions, date and year numbers and the like.

With password.minimumLength a certain minimum length can also be enforced.

For a new installation the following settings are entered in cmsbs-conf/additional.attributes:

password.minimumEntropy = 32 password.minimumLength = 8

See Attribute types / Password quality.

If you are using the Newsletter App or ChangePassword App to allow your front-end users to chose their own passwords, you should not activate the above settings until newer versions of the above mentioned Apps have become available. Please, wait for further notice in this case.

IMAP / OAUTH2 (for Exchange 365 and others)

Since UM Release 7.49.0, authentication when reading IMAP mailboxes can be done with OAUTH2.

See Bounce management configuration and Exchange 365: IMAP with OAUTH2.

Functional improvements and bug fixes

CSV export map files: Export List and Segment memberships

By means of special transformers a CSV column can be generated, in which the names of all lists or segments are enumerated comma-separated, to which the respective entry belongs:

<CSV column name> = uid (ExportAllChannels) <CSV column name> = uid (ExportAllVChannels)

Entry detail page / Tracking

The Tracking view on an Entry details page has been improved:

For bounce mails received and archived with UM 7.49.0 or later, a button to open the archived mail will be displayed in the recipient entry's tracking view. Incoming Mail Archive (see below) must be enabled for this to work.

For tracked clicks the link’s OID is displayed as a tooltip when hovering the mouse over a link title.

For each Newsletter the individual tracking mode (off, anonymous or person-related) is displayed next to the email address the email was sent to.

Incoming Mail Archive

If you have activated the Incoming Mail Archive for “bounces related to an entry” as of https://www.universal-messenger.de/knowledge-base/intern/doc-en/Developer/Archiving_incoming_emails.html you may need to update the path to the incoming_mail.attributes file in your cmsbs-conf/additional.attributes file:

include: cmsbs-conf/cse/api/plugins/de.pinuts.cmsbs.bouncemanagement/incoming_mail.attributes

Send Newsletter wizard

When preparing a Newsletter with a send date in the future, the planned send date is now echoed in the last wizard step.

Personalization template language: Escaping and unicode characters

Since all personalization constructs are enclosed in curly braces, these characters must be escaped by using {#x7b} (for "{") or {#x7d} (for "}") if they are not to be interpreted as personalization functions.

Any other Unicode characters can also be inserted in this way - for example {#x1F984} or {#129412} for the Unicode unicorn character.

Newsletter archive / Recipients

A new search field with auto completion has been added to the Recipients view of the Newsletter detail page.

This search field allows to select a certain recipient by firstname, lastname or email address.

REST Proxy 3.0.6

Important update: REST Proxy 3.0.5, that has been shipped with UM 7.48.0, was missing the Java library commons-logging.jar and thus might not startup as intended unter certain circumstances.

Updating your REST Proxies to 3.0.6 is therefore strongly recommended.

Bug fixes

Click and view tracking: The device type detection has been fixed.

A confusing debug log output when connecting to an SMTP relay has been fixed.

Link tracking: tel: links are now handled like http:// or https://.

Jobs: Send results to these email addresses has been fixed.

Updated libraries


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