

System requirements

Please make sure to meet the minimum system requirements described here: https://downloads.universal-messenger.de/knowledge-base/documentation/universal-messenger/html/UM_DE/Installation/Voraussetzungen.html

Architectural considerations and preparation

Before installation it is necessary to make considerations about the system architecture and to collect the credentials needed. All options can be changed afterwards.

The following questions must be answered:

  • Which license will you use?

    • Obtain a license file

  • Will you use the embedded Apache Tomcat or will you use a manually installed one or the one provided by your Linux distribution?

    • If you are experienced in configuring and managing an Apache Tomcat installation – be it manually installed or provided and maintained by your Linux distribution – you are free to deploy your UM into such a Tomcat instance. This will also be the way to go if you need access to special configuration settings that are not accessible when using the embedded Tomcat (see Developer Manual / Embedded Tomcat which options can be set via cmsbs.properties).

    • Otherwise, we recommand using the embedded Tomcat that can optionally be installed with your UM. See Developer Manual / Embedded Tomcat.

  • Which SQL database will you use?

    • Collect connection information and credentials

  • How should the Universal Messenger send Emails? Note that the UM itself is not an MTA but rather an MTU. It will always need an SMTP server or an external Email delivery provider. There are many considerations about which is the best way to send Emails in a way that it will not harm the MTA’s reputation, especially if you are planning to send a lot of Emails.

    • Collect connection information and credentials before installation.

  • Which Email address(es) will be used to send the Emails, i.e. what will be the sender address in the Email?

    • Collect Email addresses and sender names.

  • If and how will you cope with bounces or auto-replies? Will you use a technical sender Email address (envelope sender) which will be able to receive bounces and auto-replies? If so, can the Universal Messenger connect to an IMAP mailbox to read those Emails?

    • Collect technical sender Email address

    • Collect IMAP connection information and credentials

  • Will the MTA for the technical sender Email address be able to use Variable envelope return path, i.e. an Email address which consists of a fixed part and a variable part.

A deep dive into the MTA topic can be found here: Sending Emails

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