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This section describes how to install UM Kickstarter on Linux, MacOS or Windows with WSL2. Install JDK and gradleYou will need a laptop or desktop with Linux, MacOS or Windows with Windows subsystem for Linux) with at least the following software installed:
Of course, a windows machine with a Linux VM on top will do as well. |
Install Pinuts Dev Tools / ScriptsClone the following git repository: |
. |
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. and include the |
(cd ~/.pinuts-devtools && make bash)
Access to Pinuts maven repositoryAfter having received your credentials for the Pinuts maven repository you should set some environment variables; e.g. in your |
umkickstarterThe freshly installed shell script |
Optionally you can pass the package name of an UM plugin that should be scaffolded as well: |
LicenseAfter having received your development UM license, copy the file to Next steps…Read more about the Kickstarter: |