Goal: Send a Newsletter that is based on a Mailing Template but also contains content that is dynamically gathered and rendered with CSE.
You can download the whole Kickstarter-based sample application from our GitLab repository: um-public/tutorial-dynamic-newsletter-content
Start a new Kickstarter project
umkickstarter -n de.pinuts.tutorial cd umkickstarter gradle setup run
Create Newsletter Template
Login to http://localhost:8080/cmsbs as admin
/ admin
and create a new Newsletter Template named offerlist-nl
with the following HTML body:
Dear {firstname}, your top offers for today: {withcse:renderOfferList:}
Implement RenderEntryCallback
Implement a new RenderEntryCall method that will be called by the withcse directive from within the Newsletter Template just created.
/// <reference path="../../../.vscode.js"/> import faker from "@de.pinuts.demodata/shared/faker.es6"; function renderOffers(offers) { return `<ul>${offers.map(renderOffer).join('')}</ul>`; } function renderOffer(offer) { return ( `<li style="margin-bottom: 8px"> <strong>${Strings.encodeXml(offer.productName)}</strong><br/> ${Strings.encodeXml(offer.price)} </li>`); } function fakeOffers() { const offers = []; const num = faker.random.number({min: 0, max: 5}); for (let idx = 0; idx < num; idx++) { offers.push({ productName: faker.commerce.productName(), price: faker.commerce.price(10, 100, 2, '€') }); } return offers; } RenderEntryCallback.prototype.renderOfferList = function() { const offers = fakeOffers(); this.templateContext.doSend = offers.length > 0; this.value = renderOffers(offers); return true; }
Install DemoData plugin
To generate some random content we use the DemoData plugin. Include the dependency into your build.gradle
file and run gradle setup run
... dependencies { runtime('de.pinuts.cmsbs:UM:7.34.1') runtime('de.pinuts.cmsbs:TestDriver2:2.0.6') runtime('de.pinuts.cmsbs:DemoData:1.0.4') } ...
/// <reference path="../../../.vscode.js"/> const MAILING_TEMPLATE_NAME = 'offerlist-nl'; const CHANNEL_NAME = 'offerlist'; const NEWSLETTER_TAG = 'offerlist'; function createEventFile() { return `<event archive="true"> <destination> <channel>${Strings.encodeXml(CHANNEL_NAME)}</channel> </destination> <data> <message>${Strings.encodeXml(MAILING_TEMPLATE_NAME)}</message> <email archiveOutgoingEmails="false" obeyPreferHtml="false" sendBothParts="false" trackingMode="Off"></email> </data> <tag>${Strings.encodeXml(NEWSLETTER_TAG)}</tag> </event>`; } export function run() { UM.println('Preparing newsletter...'); const eventFile = createEventFile(); UM.newsletterArchive.send(eventFile); } de.pinuts.tutorial.sendNewsletter = run;
... dependencies { runtime('de.pinuts.cmsbs:UM:7.34.1') runtime('de.pinuts.cmsbs:TestDriver2:2.0.6') runtime('de.pinuts.cmsbs:DemoData:1.0.4') } ...