Versionen im Vergleich


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Elements provided for the project

Templates, scripts and workflows

All elements are located in folders named “newsletter” and the reference names are prefixed with “newsletter_” in order to minimize the chance of overwriting existing elements.

The most significant elements are:

  • Page templates

    • newsletter_settings: Template for GCA newsletter_settings

    • newsletter_profile: Template for GCA newsletter_profile

    • newsletter: Template for the newsletter itself (using content projection). It includes both the HTML output as well as the XML output for the so called event file. The latter includes the HTML output inline and will be hidden in preview generation.

    • newsletter_form_dummy_page: Empty page as an example to display the newsletter subscription form

  • Section templates

    • Elements in the folder newsletter_content_sections: Available content sections for the newsletter

    • newsletter_form: Content section to include a form from the Universal Messenger. Add this section template to an appropriate body in your existing page templates

  • Database schemata:

    • Schema emailmarketing: includes the table template “newsletter” to create the data source for the actual newsletters

  • Workflows

    • newsletter_send_test: Workflow to send the selected newsletter to the test channel

    • newsletter_send: Workflow to send the selected newsletter to the selected recipient groups


  • newsletter: Page used for the actual newsletter, includes the table template “emailmarketing.newsletter” for content projection.

Global contents

All settings specific to the project are managed with two GCA pages:

  • newsletter_settings: General settings for the newsletter integration, this GCA is mandatory for every project using the module EmailMarketing

  • newsletter_profile: Layout settings, footer contents and texts for the specific newsletter.


  • newsletter/newsletter_img/newsletter_content_img: Example images

  • newsletter/newsletter_img/newsletter_layout_images: Images used in the general newsletter layout

Data source

This implementation uses a data source “newsletter” to manage newsletters as single database entries. You can edit the contents for a specific newsletter here.

Elements provided for the project settings

The feature also includes elements for the project settings managed with the ServerManager.


The newsletter layout will use two resolutions provided by the feature:

  • newsletter_single_column: Wide image for a single column teaser

  • newsletter_two_column: Narrow image for a two column teaser

Schedule entries

The schedule entries will generate all files needed for the newsletter and send them to the Universal Messenger via REST.

  • Newsletter: Testversand: The schedule entry to send the newsletter to the configured test channel. It will be started by the workflow “newsletter_send_test”.

  • Newsletter: Versand: The schedule entry to send the newsletter to the final recipient groups. It will be started by the workflow “newsletter_send”.
