Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.

Install the feature

All elements needed to implement the example integration into an existing project are provided as a ContentTransport feature which can be downloaded from the Universal Messenger download page:



Note: The resolutions mentioned in the warning will be provided by the feature as well, so these warnings can be ignored.

Mandatory configurations

Assign workflows to data source

In the SiteArchitect go the the data source “newsletter” and assign (right click->Extras->Change permissions->Workflow permissions) the following workflows:

  • newsletter_send_test

  • newsletter_send

  • Your preferred workflow to release elements in your project

Configure Universal Messenger list(s) to receive preview newsletters

In the GCA “newsletter_settings” go the the field “Testchannel” located in the “Universal Messenger” tab and select one or more lists from the Universal Messenger that will receive a newsletter preview before the actual newsletter is sent.

Release elements

Release the following elements (complete subtree) provided by the feature:

  • Media->newsletter

  • Global contents->newsletter

  • Page content->newsletter

  • Site structure->newsletter

  • Data sources->newsletter

Elements provided for the project
