Versionen im Vergleich


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You can follow along Providing a custom Plugin for the UM Cloud to create an empty Plugin, test it locally and have it included in your UM Cloud instance.

Manipulating the data model (aka additional.attributes)

In a UM Cloud environment it is generally not a good idea to overwrite the global cmsbs-conf/additional.attributes file as it is provided by Pinuts and might (need to) be updated in the course of a UM update. Instead, you can create incremental changes by putting cmsbs-conf/conf.d/*.attributes files into your Plugin.

The following example shows how to setup a TABLE attribute and add it to the std_personal attribute group.

additional.attributes[] = favorite_fruits
grp.std_personal.members[] = favorite_fruits

favorite_fruits.type = TABLE
favorite_fruits.members = fruit

favorite_fruits->fruit.type = STRING

Please remember that adding new primary attributes or adding columns to an already existing TABLE attribute require providing Automating Database Schema Updates.



Ladereihenfolge der Konfigdateien
