Versionen im Vergleich


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In your UM Cloud installation you cannot just SSH into your machine and edit one of the familiar configuration files (, additional.attributes etc.) to update certain global settings, modify the data model or add custom CSE plugins.


  • env/test/cmsbs-conf/conf.d/

  • env/staging/cmsbs-conf/conf.d/

  • env/prod/cmsbs-conf/conf.d/


Adding and overwriting configuration files


  1. The whole cmsbs-conf/ directory is pre-populated by the familiar UM installer that is run automaticallyunattendedly.

  2. Certain files are added to or overwritten in cmsbs-conf/ to adapt the UM to the Cloud environment in general and to prepare it for the specific customer.

  3. Your custom UM Plugins will be deployed last so they could – in principle – override each and every file that pre-exists:

    1. First, cmsbs-conf is copied on top of the existing directory,

    2. and second, env/<environment>/cmsbs-conf/ is in turn copied on top.
