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  • The graphical user interface, usually /cmsbs

  • Web services (both built-in and developed individually built for your project with CSE), usually /cmsbs/rest

Those web services can act as interfaces to other systems but they can also be consumed by front end applications on your web sites or Emails. Those public interfaces can be:


To expose specific web services to the Internet there is a separate web component called “UM REST Proxy”. It is a small Java web application which can run in a separate Tomcat server. It offers extensive configuration options to limit traffic and general availability of individual REST interfaces of the Universal Messenger.




  • Application specific Reverse Proxy or Application application firewall

    • It manages only access to REST services offered by the Universal Messenger and only gives access to those REST services which are explicitly allowed (whitelist).

  • Caching static resources so that the Universal Messenger has to answer only as few HTTP requests as possible. 

  • Protection of internal infrastructure (Universal Messenger, databases etc.) from the effects of external (D)DOS attacks 

  • Separation of public and protected API (internet vs. extranet) 

  • Distribute and allocate front-end tasks in a cluster 


It can either be copied from the UM server directory UM($UM_HOME/web-integration/cmsbs-restproxy.war) and manually configured via context file or downloaded from the UM GUI as a preconfigured WAR file.


  1. Outmost web server for on server A, running on https port 443

  2. Apache Tomcat with UM REST Proxy on same server A running on port 8080, access limited to only localhost

  3. Apache Tomcat with Universal Messenger on server B running on port 8080


On your outmost web server or load balancer which handles your website under add a Reverse Proxy configuration to handle proxy all requests to /p/…

Apache will need the following modules:


<Location /p/>
    SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled 1
    ProxyPass "http://localhost:8080/p/"
    ProxyPassReverse "http://localhost:8080/p/"
    RequestHeader set x-cmsbs-urlprefix ""
    RequestHeader unset x-cmsbs-restproxy-path 
    RequestHeader unset x-forwarded-host 

All configuration options:

UM REST Proxy on local Tomcat → Universal Messenger on server B
